
how to find your singing voice

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Have you always wanted to be a great singer? You might have a wonderful singing voice waiting to be heard - you just have to find it. The key to becoming a better singer is to find your vocal range, then use the correct technique and put in a lot of practice. A few vocal tricks might be all that is keeping you from belting out beautifully and magnificently!

  1. 1

    Find your vocal range . This is the measure of octaves you can sing, from the lowest to the highest.[1] You can find your range by singing scales, starting with the lowest note you can clearly sing and continuing until you aren't able to hit a higher note. There are 7 main voice types: soprano, mezzo-soprano, alto, countertenor, tenor, baritone, and bass.

    • Warm up by singing major scales starting with the middle C. Sing C-D-E-F-G-F-E-D-C and move up or down one half step for each new scale.[2]
    • Which scales can you sing most clearly? At what point does it become difficult to hit the notes? Take note of where you fall to determine what your voice type is.
    • There are apps, like SingScope, that can help you determine your vocal range by identifying the highest and lowest notes you can sing on pitch.
  2. 2

    Find your tessitura. Your tessitura is the range at which you are the most comfortable, and at which your voice sounds the most pleasant.[3] Your vocal range might exceed your tessitura. You might be able to hit very high or very low notes, but there's a range of notes that your voice can produce with greater ease and more power. Finding this sweet spot will help you find your best singing voice.

    • What songs do you typically enjoy singing along to? If there are some that you love to belt out, chances are it's because you can feel that you sound good singing them. Pay attention to the notes in these songs.
    • With training, you may be able to expand the range of notes you can sing with great power.[4]


  3. 3

    Determine when you're using chest voice and when you're using head voice. Chest voice is what you use when speaking and singing lower notes. When you sing higher notes, you use head voice, which can either sound airy or full.[5]

    • Mixed voice is a blend between the two and is often used by pop singers like Ariana Grande and Beyonce.
  4. 4

    Learn to use the right singing technique. If you haven't been using the right technique, you might not even know what your voice truly sounds like. Using the right technique will help your voice sound clear and strong. Keep the following pointers in mind as you practice singing:

    • Have good posture. Stand up straight so you can breath more easily. Keep your neck upright but relaxed.
    • Speaking of breathing, make sure you're breathing from your diaphragm. Your stomach should expand when you breathe in and deflate as you breathe out. This gives you more control over your pitch.
    • Open the back of your throat and enunciate your vowels when you sing.


  1. 1

    Warm up first. Your vocal cords are muscles that need time to warm up so they don't get overstrained. Start by singing scales slowly for about 10 or 15 minutes. When your vocal cords feel warmed up and ready to go, you can launch into singing your practice songs.

    • You can also sing scales and songs on lip trills to help warm up your voice. This will help engage your breath support while keeping your vocal cords relaxed. Check out how Celine Dion warms up her voice here:
  2. 2

    Pick the right songs. Choose songs that easily falls into your range, so you'll give yourself the best chance of singing well and finding the great singing voice that's been hiding within you for all this time.

    • Sing along with the recordings of the songs you pick until you feel comfortable with the songs.
    • Practice singing the songs without the recording. You can play the instrumental part, but don't play the vocals.
    • Try songs in a range of genres. You might love hip hop best, but you could discover that you're better at singing jazz or country songs. Give all types of music a chance.
    • If you love a song but can't sing it in the key it was written in, use an app like AnyTune to change the key while maintaining the tempo. Or, use the app to slow down the tempo while you're learning difficult passages.
  3. 3

    Record yourself singing. Use a tape recorder or another recording device to record yourself singing after you've warmed up and practiced. Take note of things you might need to work on as well as what sounded good.

  4. 4

    Perform for other people. Sometimes it's difficult to tell where we need improvement without feedback from others. Sing for your family members or friends, and ask them for honest reactions to your voice.

    • Remember to warm up before performing.
    • Sing in a big, open room with high ceilings; your voice will sound better than it would in a low-ceilinged room with carpet.
    • After you've gotten some feedback, take it to heart next time you practice singing.
    • Karaoke clubs are a great place to practice singing in front of other people.


  1. 1

    Find your unique style. What makes your voice unique? Once you understand the limitations of your range, you can experiment with different styles of singing to bring out the best in your voice.

    • Perhaps you have an operatic voice; practice singing classically.
    • Maybe you have a pleasant nasally country twang. Play it up!
    • Even screaming and whispering have their place among rock legends. Nothing is off limits.
  2. 2

    Join a band or choir. Singing with other musicians is a great way to get more creative with your vocal style. Sign up for a choir or music club at your church or school, or get together with some friends to start a band in which you're the lead vocalist. You could also audition for a musical or start busking in the subway if you're itching to perform.

  3. 3

    Take voice lessons. If you're serious about finding your singing voice, getting trained by a professional instructor is the way to go. Voice teachers can teach you how to use your voice as an instrument. You'll probably find that you have a greater range than you thought you did, and your teacher will be able to help you figure out what style fits with your abilities.

    • Ask for recommendations from friends or conduct an online search to find voice teachers in your area. Look for voice teachers who sing and teach the genres you're interested in performing. Meet with at least 3 teachers before choosing 1 so you can find the best fit.


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    Will gargling with warm water improve my singing voice?

    Annabeth Novitzki

    Annabeth Novitzki is a Private Music Teacher in Austin, Texas. She received her BFA in Vocal Performance from Carnegie Mellon University in 2004 and her Master of Music in Vocal Performance from the University of Memphis in 2012. She has been teaching music lessons since 2004.

    Annabeth Novitzki

    Music Teacher

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    What if you think your voice is ugly?

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

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    It may not be "ugly"––it is commonplace for many people to dislike the sound of their own voice when they hear it, especially when it's recorded and listened to. Get the opinion of people you trust really know singing when they hear it before deciding your singing voice isn't so great. If you still think it's not great after some feedback, there are ways to improve a singing voice enough for it to be pleasant, through singing lessons, vocal exercises, finding your best range and practicing. Don't give up––be determined to improve instead.

  • Question

    How can I develop my singing voice?

    wikiHow Staff Editor

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    You can develop your singing voice by learning more about the abilities and limits of your own vocal range, practicing singing a variety of songs, taking singing lessons with a professional singing teacher and participating in group singing such as choirs or church singing. If you can afford it, taking singing lessons or getting vocal coaching is a great way to improve your singing skills through professional help. At home, following the detailed steps in the article above should give you a head start in developing your singing skills.

  • Question

    How can I open my voice to sing?

    wikiHow Staff Editor

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    Some ways to help "open your voice" include widening your mouth when singing, dropping your jaw lower and trying to remain as relaxed as possible at the same time, so that your throat is not constricted. It can help to imagine yourself yawning when trying to open your mouth. Breathing from your diaphragm is also important to the openness of your singing voice––see How to Sing Using Your Diaphragm for more help.

  • Question

    How can I train my voice to sing?

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

    wikiHow Staff Editor

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    Training your voice to sing requires more than just belting out sound; many parts of your body are involved in producing a good singing voice, including your nose, throat, diaphragm and mouth. You need to learn to listen properly, practice both high and low notes and breathe properly while singing. For help with learning to sing, see How to Learn to Sing.

  • Question

    Can everyone sing?

    wikiHow Staff Editor

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    Provided a person can talk, that person can learn to sing. This does not mean everyone can sing with a beautiful sound or in tone; that's another matter. However, most people can learn to use their singing voice well enough to sing along at celebratory events, parties, the national anthem, in the shower, etc. Moreover, there are techniques which can be learned to make your singing voice louder, clearer and sufficiently pleasant for you to be an all right singer at shared singing occasions even if you're never going to be a star solo performer.

  • Question

    How can I find a song that suits my voice?

    Community Answer

    A good way to find a song that suits your voice is to ask yourself these questions: Do I strain my voice when I'm singing this song? Does it feel natural? Does it come from the heart and evoke emotion? Pick a few songs you like and sing them for a friend or family member, then ask them which song sounds the best.

  • Question

    How can I sound more mature when singing?

    Community Answer

    The only thing you have to do is breathe right. Do not breathe through your nose whole singing, and breathe through your mouth and deep in your lungs.

  • Question

    Can I train my voice to be better?

    Community Answer

    Practicing will help you improve your voice. Listen to new songs to find new techniques. You can also find a vocal instructor to help direct your training.

  • Question

    What if my friends don't like the way I sing?

    Community Answer

    It may be that your friends are telling you the truth, that you don't have a very good voice. Do you trust their judgment and their friendship? On the other hand, it may be that they don't know what a good singing voice is, especially if you have a unique style that isn't much known. Whatever the case, the unspoken rule is that you support your friends no matter what, so if they keep being mean, then perhaps they're not supportive friends.

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  • Think about what you're singing about, and try to capture the true passion of the song with your singing.

  • Try to avoid drinking liquids like milk and orange juice because they coat your throat with extra mucus.

  • Try a wide range of songs, jazz, hip hop, see what style you prefer to achieve.

  • Try singing with a piano to help get the right note.

  • Drink room temperature water.[6] Drinking very hot or cold water is hard on your vocal cords and makes it more difficult to sing. In between vocal exercises, take sips of room temperature water to keep your throat lubricated.

  • Don't try too hard or your vocal cords can get damaged and eventually tear.

  • When you sing, keeping your head up straight will help you sound better.

  • If your throat is full of "junk," don't clear your throat. It can spread the particles that are bugging you around and make it even worse. Try to drink some water or spit into a sink (what ever's convenient at the moment).

  • If your feeling nervous, imagine the audience is naked or isn't even there at all.

  • Sing from your stomach and not from your chest.


  • Screaming, talking loudly, and even whispering can strain your throat. Whispering strains your voice more than loud talking does!

  • If you have pain or hoarseness that doesn't go away within 1 day of vocal rest, see a throat specialist.[7]


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Article SummaryX

To find your own singing voice, start by practicing some scales as you match the pitch of another instrument, like a piano. Sing the lowest note you possibly can, and then increase your pitch to the highest note you can sing. Make note of where in your range you feel most comfortable singing, and practice songs that contain those notes. When you sing, make sure you're standing up straight and breathing properly to get the best tone. For tips on practicing songs in front of others or refining your voice through lessons, scroll down!

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how to find your singing voice


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